HEAT-O – Wearable Modular Heating System

I personally don’t own a heated jacket; the Outdoor Revival office isn’t quite cold enough to warrant it! But I’ve bought them for people before so I know a bit about them and although this isn’t a heated coat it’s got some serious positives going for it that might even be better…

But I’ve bought them for people before so I know a bit about them and although this isn’t a heated coat it’s got some serious positives going for it that might even be better…

This is a new product that the HEAT-O Team are trying to bring to market and they’re asking for help on Kickstarter to make it a reality. It’s based in Britain but with the current exchange rate it’s probably a bargain to get one now.

Here’s some more information from their Kickstarter page:

HEAT-O is…

a wearable modular heating system key to maintaining optimal body temperature in the cold environment.

Over the last couple of decades, technology has been known to satisfy and increase our daily lives, but when it is cold everyone is affected in the same way. This is why we have been inspired to change this particular instance, this is why we have created HEAT-O.

…so much of your time is needed to bring us closer to the aim pursued and share HEAT-O with the world. Click on one of the buttons below and tag a friend or coworker that may freeze in their daily activities:

How to use it?

You place heating elements on your body under any kind of clothing. You configure and control eight heating elements. Plug in to the battery, and viola!

Who is it for?

HEAT-O is for professionals, amateurs, and everyone in between. Specify the type of cold activity you are participating in and we will ensure that HEAT-O has a purpose for you. From daily use to professional use in sports, hobbies and work duties.

Thanks to the modularity you can also use HEAT-O for rehabilitation purposes (thermotherapy) and any disability.

Why it rocks?

HEAT-O is solving common problems encountered when using the standard electrically heated clothing, such as water resistance, safety and multitasking. The system does not interfere with movements, is fully waterproof, works and is safe in full water immersion.

HEAT-O is designed to be placed close to the body to gain a maximum heating performance with minimum energy loss. It’s a combination of two sets. Thanks to this, you can cover all crucial upper and lower body parts. You can place the heating pads directly where you want and you don’t need to change your outfit to suit the fitting. You can make as many variations as you wish.

The heating pads are made of a very thin, flexible and resistant material. Your grip and sensitivity of your hands stay the same and they’re very comfortable when performing any manual work. The same attributes apply to the heating pads when worn in your shoes.

HEAT-O has been designed to ensure that there is no obstruction to the user. This installation is a combination of carbon fiber and high quality electric cables in silicone insulation with an additional cable housing.

To maximize the efficiency of the heating, the elements are made based on your gender, height and weight.

Waterproof. The heating pads and the whole installation is fully waterproof including battery, connector and controller IP68. Flexibility. Feel the freedom of keeping warm in cold temperatures: HEAT-O is made of two units (upper and lower), each one with 4 heating elements. The heated pads are made up of carbon fiber and are water isolated thanks to our design. Place them wherever you decide. Wardrobe Compatibility. Irrelevant of whether you are wearing a sweat suit or heavy gear, HEAT-O will ensure the ultimate comfort, and no particular outfit is required. It will perform according to your requirements, will fit to any kind of dress code, and will not obstruct you in any way. Light & Warm. HEAT-O is light and non-invasive. You’ll feel its effect when youre body warms up. Heating panels are breathable and they do not stop evaporation of your body.

You can find more information and purchase the HEAT-O – Wearable Modular Heating System Here on Kickstarter

If you have any comments then please drop us a message on our Outdoor Revival facebook page

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.

Outdoor Revival – Reconnecting us all with the Outdoors