Extreme animal challenges for fun and health in the US

Extreme animal adventures are always interesting for animal lovers and danger seekers. For some visiting a Zoo is not all that exciting, after all, you don’t get to interact with the animals, and that’s got to be half the fun, well for those that like to live on the edge.

Some of the team here at Outdoor Revival are cautious of my dog, let alone an Alligator, It might be fun to try it though and get some pics of their reactions.

Here are some of the most extreme animal encounters you can find in the US.

At Gator Adventures in Orlando, Fl, people are waiting in line for hours to get close to one of the world’s biggest reptiles, his Majesty, the agitator.

There are different activities in Gatorland that are providing “dates” with alligators. These activities are wrestling, trainer-for-a-day, gator zipline, gator night shine. Gatorland offers affordable fun for the whole family while showcasing thousands of alligators and crocodiles and even a rare white gator.

Bull riding in Summerville, GA is famous and probably the most dangerous sport in the country. To survive this crazy activity, people go to a bull riding school for three days. The first two days the students ride a mechanical bull and on the third day they saddle up the real thing.

Protective vest, mouthpiece, and a helmet are obligatory for the ride. To be a successful bull rider you needed to hang on for eight seconds.

Bull riding Photo Credit

Noodling – Pauls Valley, Oklahoma is a sport that involves catching a catfish with your bare hands. The Catfish is not dangerous by itself, but the holes where the catfish breed and shelter can also home alligators and poisonous snakes.

This sport is so dangerous that is legalized only in 13 states. Even if you get hold of the catfish they can weigh over a hundred pounds and are very powerful, so you’ll have your work cut out for you.

Bee healing in Grand Rapids, Michigan is more therapy than an adventure. Bee venom has more than 80 natural pain relievers such as dopamine and melatonin. Live bee stingers are applied directly to the skin of patients who suffer chronical pain. This procedure last round 15-20 minutes. Ones the dopamine is absorbed into the body it tricks the brain that the pain is gone. Strange, but true.

Shark diving in San Francisco, California is one more insanely exciting adventure for thrill seekers. Swimming with the world’s largest predatory fish, the great white shark. Shark Diving International allows the cage to sink to a depth at 60 feet with a perfect view of the shark’s natural habitat.

Great White shark Photo Credit

This is seriously old school, Leech therapy in New York, NY. Bellevue Hospital, New York is using this old remedy to suck the blood out of patients to clean blood clots. Leeches can suck five times their own body size in blood, the aim is to provide a normal blood flow in the veins of the patients.

Leech Photo Credit

These are some of the extreme adventures that attract people from all over the world to come and visit the US. Some of us may like it, come not, but we all have to agree that diving with white sharks or putting a head in a gator’s mouth is cool, in a sort of scary, I’m not really going to do it way.

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.

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