Because of Lockdown Himalayas Visible for First Time in 30 Years

Himalayas: The Coronavirus has completely changed the entire world as we lockdown in place to let the virus pass us…

4 years ago

Parts of the Marshall Islands are Still More Radioactive than Chernobyl

In 1986 the reactor meltdown in Chernobyl caused damaging radiation to not only render the immediate area uninhabitable, but also…

4 years ago

These Massive Impact Craters are the Planet’s Battle Scars from Millions of Years Ago

Impact craters are what is left behind when a large comet, meteorite, or asteroid crashes into the surface of a…

4 years ago

The Mystery of the Death Valley Sliding Rock Phenomenon

Slithering rocks of Death Valley, sailing stones, gliding stones, wandering rocks, and moving rocks are just a few of the…

4 years ago

Victory For Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Over Dakota Access Pipeline Case

The members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe that straddles North and South Dakota believed they were never properly consulted…

4 years ago

Scientists Search Antarctica For The ‘Lost’ Iron Meteorites

Scientists are scouring Antarctica in hopes of finding rare meteorites which have fallen to earth and can give them more…

4 years ago

South America’s Indigenous People Could be Wiped Out

South America's Indigenous People: Every country around the globe is dealing with the novel coronavirus, but some countries are implementing…

4 years ago

RV Polarstern Research Ship Drifting In The Arctic All on Board Doing OK

A research ship, RV Polarstern, is on a year long Arctic expedition that has purposely trapped themselves in the polar…

4 years ago

Entire UK Village For Sale, Yours for Just $1.5 Million

Village for sale! In real estate circles there is a prevailing belief that location is everything; the best house in…

4 years ago

Five Islands Appear In Arctic: Melting Ice Reveals Lands Not Seen Before

Arctic: news: If there is one subject on which geologists and scientists around the world agree, it is that the…

4 years ago