Tips For Star Gazing

Stargazing is one of the best outdoor activities that can be practiced anywhere in the world by people of any…

5 years ago

How To Build and Hide A Survival Cache Part III

We’ve talked about what sorts of supply caches you should consider having and what you should keep in them, now…

5 years ago

How To Build and Hide A Survival Cache Part II

As I mentioned in the first article in this series, not all survival caches are equal. As you build your…

5 years ago

How to Build and Hide a Survival Cache Part I

Stockpiling supplies is an integral part of being a prepper. We all start out by stockpiling supplies, but stockpiling is…

5 years ago

How to Treat Your Injured Feet With Natural Resources

Wounds can be nasty, and a leg wound can be extremely painful because your whole weight rests on the leg.…

5 years ago

How Japanese Soldiers Survived Ten Miles of Crocodile Infested Waters In WW2

If you had to slog through ten miles of crocodile infested swamps, what would you think your chances of survival…

5 years ago

6 Survival Uses for Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is a kind of oil extracted from various seeds. The most common oils are castor, peanut, coconut, etc.…

5 years ago

3 Reasons to Add Junk Food to Your Survival Stash

If you spend enough time outside, chances are good that you’ve heard of the 10 essentials gear list for survival.…

5 years ago

A Beginner’s Guide to Surviving a Cold Climate, Easier Than You Think?

Since the dawn of man, people have learned to use techniques to survive in any condition. With just a glance…

5 years ago

Australia To Drop Poisoned Sausages From Planes In Plan To Kill Millions Of Cats

If you want to create a public relations firestorm, one sure way to do it is to announce a plan…

5 years ago