More Unusual Items for Survival

Continuing from our last article on the subject, here are some more unusual items for survival: Fabric Do you have…

5 years ago

Top Unusual Items for Survival

Today, we are going to talk about some unusual but useful survival items that you will definitely not want to…

5 years ago

Ancient Weapons – Colonel Bowie’s Knife

As firearms became more common and popular, one of the casualties was the sword. While swords still existed, they were…

5 years ago

How to Determine If Someone Is Following You

One of the creepiest and most frightening experiences you can ever have is when you realize that a mysterious stranger…

5 years ago

Apparently The Way to Avoid Mosquito Bites is to Listen to Electronic Music

Everybody likes a little mood music when they’re being romanced, but apparently, the mosquitoes that carry dengue fever are an…

5 years ago

The Longest Salt Mine In The World Discovered, The Cave Runs For 6 Miles

Mount Sodom is located near the southern basin of the Dead Sea in the Neve Zohar area of Israel, and…

5 years ago

The Best Safety Apps to Use If You Are Being Followed

Thanks to multiple personal security apps, you can use your smartphone to your advantage if you believe you have a…

5 years ago

Survival Shelter – Soddies

The search for adequate shelter has led mankind in a lot of interesting directions over the years. Many times, people…

5 years ago

Why Do Saudis Wear Robes? Exploring Traditional Arab Desert Clothing in Hot Climates

We’ve all seen images of robed Arabs riding camels through sand dunes. While there’s a good chance that the actual…

5 years ago

Hand-in-Hand – The Telegraph and the Railroad

Westward expansion of the United States depended heavily on communications. While wagon trains to Oregon started as early as 1836,…

5 years ago