Ancient Weapons – Melee Weapons in the Middle Ages

The history of weapons is an interesting one. Throughout the ages, mankind has constantly strived to create better and stronger…

6 years ago

Top Survival Foods That You Can Buy at Literally Any Grocery Store

When the grid goes down, you can bet that there will be hundreds if not thousands of people swarming all…

6 years ago

Jerky – One of the Easiest Survival Foods

Part of the legacy that the American Indians have given us is jerky. Granted, they were not the only people…

6 years ago

Top 7 SHTF Mistakes to Avoid

The average person is going to make a lot of mistakes in an SHTF disaster scenario. Even the world’s leading…

6 years ago

Top Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Food for Survival

Most people, including non-preppers, are fully aware of the vital importance of storing food for survival. However, far fewer of…

6 years ago

How Our Pioneering Ancestors Kept Warm in the Winter

The history of survival is as old as the history of mankind. Early man had a constant struggle to survive.…

6 years ago

Ancient Weapons – What the Crossbow did for Warfare

The bow is one of the oldest weapons – dating so far back in antiquity that we’re really not sure…

6 years ago

Essential Preparations That Will Aid You in Any Kind of Disaster

Every year, over two hundred million people are impacted by a disaster of some kind. One hundred thousand people are…

6 years ago

Ancient Weapons – The Castle as a Defensive Weapon

If you spend any time in Europe, you’re bound to see a few castles. These architectural masterpieces were the epitome…

6 years ago

4 Things You May Have Forgotten That Could Keep You Alive When the Grid Goes Down

When preparing for disaster, something you should know is that you probably can’t prepare 100%. In other words, there’s always…

6 years ago