How to Build a Survival Armory for Less Than $500

One of the biggest things preventing people from putting together an arsenal of firearms for an SHTF grid down situation…

6 years ago

Top Survival Shelters You Can Build Without Survival Equipment

One of the most important survival skills of all time, and it should be no surprise, is to be able…

6 years ago

Why You Need Military Ammo Cans

Military ammo cans are durable, long lasting, great for storage, widely available, and incredibly cheap at less than fifteen dollars…

6 years ago

The Rope Walk

Rope is one of mankind’s great inventions, as attested to by the fact that it has been in continuous production…

6 years ago

Water Wheels

Mankind has long sought easier and more effective ways of doing things by harnessing the power of the world around…

6 years ago

The Best Places to Hide Your Provisions

Many preppers are fully aware of the vital importance of stockpiling enough provisions for a potential extended grid down disaster,…

6 years ago

Campfire Cleaning – Using Wood Ash to Clean Your Pots

It doesn’t matter if you’re backpacking or bugging out, you’re limited in what you can carry. A backpack only has…

6 years ago

Survival Shelter – What We Can Learn From Mesa Verde

Years ago, I had the chance to visit Mesa Verde. The enigmatic Indians who occupied those cliff dwellings left many…

6 years ago

Plate Armor – More Effective Than You’d Imagine

The history of arms and armament goes well back into human history and shows a constant race to create more…

6 years ago

How the Red Cross and the Vatican Allowed Thousands of Nazi War Criminals to Escape Justice

After the defeat of Germany at the end of the Second World War, thousands of Nazis were wanted for war…

6 years ago