Motivation for spring workouts

Now that the weather is clearing up, it’s time to look ahead to the coming summer. That means something different…

6 years ago

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what…

6 years ago

10 Good reasons to go running today

For most people, running sounds like a lot of hard work. You’re probably no different. Lacing up your shoes right…

6 years ago

Best budget beach activities

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the beach lately. From the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Mexico to…

6 years ago

Tips for city sightseeing

When you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, it can be pretty hard to get your bearings. Cities often hold…

6 years ago

How much is a National Park worth to you?

Last fall, the National Parks Service proposed a plan to increase entrance fees to 17 of the most popular National…

6 years ago

Do you wish you could fly? Look it up.

Welcome to look it up, a series where we bring you facts so frickin' cool that they almost feel like…

6 years ago

Potrero Chico: A climber’s paradise just across the border

I had to stop the car and pull over. There wasn’t anything in the road, it was the towering limestone…

6 years ago

Best travel apps for wandering across the world 2018

Back in the day, travel essentials used to be things like a map, guidebook, extra rolls of film and a…

6 years ago

Travel Tuesdays: Is your relationship travel compatible?

Traveling with a sibling or friend can be pretty hard. You’re likely to have to compromise more than a few…

6 years ago