Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

28,000-Years-Old Arctic Treasures Exposed by Melting Ice

As the planet warms, there has been significant melting in the Arctic region.  As the permafrost melts, however, it also has released items which have…

Ship Wreck Discovered That Blows the Bermuda Triangle Legend

The myth surrounding the Bermuda Triangle has persisted for decades. Many people believe, sailors and civilians alike, that there is an intersection in the Atlantic…

Revealed by Drought the Site of the Spanish “Stonehenge”

For the last fifty years the Dolmen of Guadalperal, sometimes referred to as the Spanish Stonehenge, has sat under the water of the Valdecana Reservoir…

South African Elephant Hunter Crushed by Elephant

Doug Williams

Depending on one’s point of view, the fate of elephant hunters who die when on the trail of massive, dangerous creatures is either poetic justice…

Did Vikings Describe Climate Disaster? Viking Runes Gets New Interpretation

Doug Williams

Climate disaster seems like the dominant story in just about every news cycle these days. Teenagers worry about it; teachers inform students about it, and…

Why You Shouldn’t Flush Your Goldfish Down the Loo

Doug Williams

Goldfish are remarkably common pets in the US. They’re relatively low maintenance and can be a lot of fun to watch making them popular with…

Over Hunting, is That Why The Vikings Abandon Greenland

Doug Williams

Although the Vikings originally came from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, they eventually made their way to Greenland in the 10th century, establishing a settlement there.…

Frostbitten Cat Gets Four Titanium Paws

Titanium Paws: Anyone who ever watched the TV series The Six Million Dollar Man back in the late 1970s remembers the opening words, “We can…

Giant Tumbleweeds Block Road & Drivers Swallowed by a Massive Bush

Doug Williams

Giant Tumbleweeds: New Year’s Eve is pretty much a universal moment of celebration, fun, and a countdown to midnight that ushers in a new year…

Pablo Escobar, His Hippos Won’t Stop Pooing All Over Colombia

Doug Williams

Pablo Escobar did a lot of damage when he ruled a drug cartel in Colombia in the 1970s, 1980s, and into the early 1990s. When…