Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Family Have a Huge Fine For Outrageous Damage to a Medieval Village

Doug Williams

Withybrook is a deserted medieval village in Warwickshire. Owners of centuries-old properties and homes have a responsibility — some would say a duty — to…

Animal Avengers Create A 3D Printed Shell to Save a Burnt Tortoise

Doug Williams

A forest fire in São Paulo, Brazil caused a tortoise to lose most of its shell.  It was found by a couple who were friends…

Coral Castle Bizarre Structure in the Middle of Nowhere

Doug Williams

Coral Castle is constructed from 1,100 tons of oolite, a type of coral rock, and is surrounded by an eight-foot wall, secured by a nine-ton…

Footprints Made by Neanderthals who Walked in Lava Hours After Eruption

Doug Williams

Near Roccamonfina in southern Italy lies an extinct volcano which hasn’t been active in millennia.  On the side of the volcano are a number of…

To Be Honoured: WW2 Bone Collector Who Was a Vital Contribution To The Allies

Doug Williams

Bone Collector: It’s difficult to imagine just how a young mother living in Canada’s most remote region in the Arctic could make a direct contribution…

Incredible Medieval Supertanker Considered the Best Example of its Kind in the World

Doug Williams

A project has been underway ever since to retrieve, assess and preserve the medieval timber so the vessel can be fully restored to its original…

Easter Island’s Famous Statues Have Bodies Underneath

Doug Williams

There are few monuments as easily and instantaneously recognizable by people throughout the world as the famous moai statues of Easter Island (Rapa Nui). The…

Wanted: Two People with ‘basic survival skills’ To Look After Great Blasket Island

Doug Williams

Great Blasket Island: We all know that this modern world can get a little hectic and frantic sometimes, connected as we are to just about…

1,000-Year-Old Viking Ship Discovered Buried on Dry Land

Doug Williams

According to a recent report, one of the recent discoveries made using the latest tech is a Viking ship, which is under an old burial…

Grey Wolf Spotted In France’s Border Region – 1st Time in 100 Years

Doug Williams

There is good news for one animal in Europe — the grey wolf.  As its numbers increase in various regions of France, a new sighting…