Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival


Endangered Falcon Sold for $42,000

Doug Williams

The Saker falcon favors plains and desert-like habitats. It lives in the northern parts of Eastern Europe, such as Hungary and southern Siberia and is…

Turkish Airlines Partner to End Illegal Wildlife Trade

Doug Williams

African grey parrots are beautiful, smart, and sociable animals. Sadly, these admirable qualities also make them very desirable in the illegal trade of exotic pets.…

Precious Archeological Ala-Tey Site Located at The Bottom of The So-Called Sayan Sea

Doug Williams

The more recent discoveries are the Ala-Tey and Terezin burials.  The problems archeologists are encountering include the fact that these cemeteries are underwater eleven months…

Investment Sought for $6 Million Cloning Centre For Mammoths

Doug Williams

What does it take to bring an extinct species like the Mammoths back in being? The answer to that question is an investment of nearly…

log cabin

Found in Permafrost: 2,300-Year-Old Cabin Rebuilt

Doug Williams

When one thinks of a log cabin rustic America comes to mind but this log cabin was built in the Altai Mountains where Russia, Mongolia,…

Wolf Sanctuaries – The Leaders of the Pack

Doug Williams

From Jack London’s 1903 classic The Call of the Wild to Kevin Costner’s 1990 Dances with Wolves, America has always had a fascination with wolves.…

Huge Amazon Woman Warrior From 14th century Unearthed in Mongolia

Doug Williams

Siberian archaeologists and scientists have found jewelry and other precious items laid for burial with a female skeleton that dates to the 14th century, and…

Mammoth Graveyard Being Looted by Black Market Hunters

Doug Williams

Mammoths: As long as there have been graveyards, there have been grave robbers.  There are always a certain number of people who seek to make…

Pure Waters of Lake Baikal in Danger From 6.5 million Tons of Toxic Waste

Doug Williams

Although the nearby Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill was reluctantly closed by the Russian government in 2013. The almost 6.5 million tons of poisonous solid…

native indian

Billionaire Donates One Billion to Help Save The Planet

Doug Williams

At 83 years old, Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss could be forgiven if he chose to live out the rest of his life in a style…