Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

The Longest Salt Mine In The World Discovered, The Cave Runs For 6 Miles

Doug Williams

Mount Sodom is located near the southern basin of the Dead Sea in the Neve Zohar area of Israel, and it is primarily made up…

Sea Survival: Turned His Jeans into a Life-Saving Buoyancy Aide

Quick thinking and ingenuity can be an individual’s best friends when faced with a life-or-death situation. While some folks, like the U.S. Navy Seals, are…

How to Escape a Sinking Car – You Have Just Got Seconds

What would you do if you were trapped in a sinking car? Every year, people die from finding themselves in this situation. Even though this…

Steps for Creating a Hydroponic Survival Garden at Home

Are you looking for a survival gardening method that will allow your plants and crops to grow up to fifty percent faster than any normal…

Trades – The Village Tinsmith

It’s common knowledge that the industrial revolution changed the world. There was also a much slower revolution that went on and worked hand-in-hand with it,…

Top Tips to Improve Your Homestead for a Grid Down Disaster

Many preppers who live out on a rural homestead away from a city or any major urbanized area assume that they will automatically be fine…

Ancient Weapons – Melee Weapons in the Middle Ages

Doug Williams

The history of weapons is an interesting one. Throughout the ages, mankind has constantly strived to create better and stronger weapons to have an advantage…

Top Survival Foods That You Can Buy at Literally Any Grocery Store

When the grid goes down, you can bet that there will be hundreds if not thousands of people swarming all the grocery stores and supermarkets…

Jerky – One of the Easiest Survival Foods

Doug Williams

Part of the legacy that the American Indians have given us is jerky. Granted, they were not the only people in the history of the…

Top 7 SHTF Mistakes to Avoid

The average person is going to make a lot of mistakes in an SHTF disaster scenario. Even the world’s leading survival and disaster preparation experts…