Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Survival Shelter – The Amazing Technology Behind the Igloo

Almost everyone is familiar with the Igloos of the Eskimos. These unique dome-shaped buildings made of blocks of packed snow are something we all hear…

Old-Time Skills in a Post-Disaster World

Doug Williams

I’ve been hearing for years about the various threats to our power grid. Whether talking about the potential of an EMP attack, terrorism, or cyberwarfare,…

Making Salt Fish: One of the Oldest Survival Foods

Doug Williams

We humans can survive in a wide variety of situations. This is partly because we are omnivores: able to eat both plants and animals for…

Repurposing – A Way of Life on the Frontier

Modern society has brought with it a lot of modern problems, some of which didn’t even exist in the past. One of these is landfill.…

Ancient Weapons – The Indians’ Use of the Tomahawk

The tomahawk has become a popular weapon or perhaps a fad amongst the survival community. Not anywhere near as effective as a sidearm, the tomahawk…

Refrigeration Before the Refrigerator

Doug Williams

Apart from a limited number of people, few Americans understand anything about preserving food. Even fewer actively preserve their own food as a normal part…

Survival Shelter – Squaring Beams by Hand a Great Skill to Learn

When we think of a log cabin, the image that usually comes to mind is that of a rustic cabin made of round logs, maybe…

Fungi Foraging for Survival

Fresh wild game is a wonderful thing: lean, healthy, free-range, and enormously rewarding to procure – whether that’s by stalking deer, shooting pigeons, or fishing.…

Choosing a Backpack for Bugging Out

Which backpack would you choose for bugging out? You see, this is a decision that you don’t want to take lightly. Choosing an ordinary school backpack…

Finding Shelter in the Wild it Can Save Your Life

Survival was a way of life for most of human history. It’s only in modern times that we have become dependent on our complex infrastructure…