Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

How to Build a Bio-Filter

Everyone knows that water is one of the top survival priorities, but many forget that this means clean water. Gone are the days when we…

The Best Crops to Grow in Your Survival Garden

Although it is important to know how to form a survival garden, it is equally important to know what to plant in it. There is…

Making Emergency Snowshoes – Anyone Done It?

Doug Williams

Anyone who has fought through deep snow even once isn’t likely to be in a hurry to repeat the experience. Trudging through all that powdery…

Making Fish Traps From Whatever Is Available

The easiest food source to find in the wild is usually fish. No matter where you go, unless it’s so dry that there’s no water…

Stranded at Sea – Ocean Survival Tips

Easily some of the most extraordinary survival stories of all time are the true-life stories of those who have survived for weeks if not months…

Simple Disaster Preparation Steps You Can Take Today

The main reason the vast majority of people do not make any preparations for disaster is because most people don’t see the incentive to; and…

The Best Bartering Items for When the Grid Goes Down

If, or when, the grid goes down and the economy completely collapses, the new currency will become the random everyday items that we really all…

The Best & Worst Places for a Bug Out Location

Here’s a fact about bugging out: not every location you can think of is a good place for a bug out location. A bug out…

The Top Difficulties Encountered With Disaster Preparations

There are many difficulties you will encounter when preparing for disaster. These aren’t just difficulties that you will encounter during the disaster itself, but also…

Tips for Surviving in the Wilderness Without Survival Tools

You may think that without the aid of important survival tools, your odds of surviving in the wilderness are practically zero. But, truth be told,…