Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Often Over Looked – Survival Tips for the Beach

Most books and articles on survival focus on how to survive in the woods, in the mountains, in the desert, or in a winter environment. Far…

Simple Water Purification Methods

How would you purify water in a wilderness survival situation if you did not have any water purification tablets or water filters with you? You…

Top Items You Need in Your Disaster-Preparedness Bag

Every person should have a disaster-preparedness bag in their home – for more reasons than one. If you should need to evacuate your house for…

A Guide to Wearing Camouflage in the Wilderness

If there’s anything that you need to know about wearing camouflage, it’s that is important to wear different camouflage in different environments. There are obviously…

How to Start a Fire Without Survival Tools

How would you get a fire going if you had no matches, lighters, magnesium flint strikers, or other fire-starting devices? Fortunately, you’ll be glad to…

3 Survival Shelters You Can Build Without Tools

The main purpose of building a survival shelter is to shield you from the elements. Many people figure that in a survival situation, they can…

Top Survival Skills Every Person Should Master

Not everyone needs to be a survival expert, but every person should at least learn a handful of basic survival skills.  There are some things…

How To Navigate Through The Woods Without Survival Tools

One of the most important but also one of the most overlooked survival tools to know is navigation. You see, survival is not just about living…

Man Builds Bike Out of Broken Down Car To Escape Desert

The deserts of northern Africa can be a serious danger to anyone looking to pass through them. The harsh winds and scorching heat of the…

Top Mistakes to Avoid When Surviving in the Tropics

Many people are under the false impression that surviving in the tropics, such as on a beach, will be much easier than surviving in a…