Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Man stumbles on 49,000-year-old aboriginal shelter whilst having a call of nature

A recent archaeological site in arid Australia has unearthed new information about the spread of human habitation around Australia almost 50 thousand years ago.  The site,…

Georgie White – The woman who tamed the Grand Canyon

Doug Williams

Back in June 1945, a woman named Georgie White and her friend, Harry Aleson, had decided to swim down the Grand Canyon because the two…

Before heading out into the wilds, practice these survival skills at home

Doug Williams

Here at Outdoor Revival, we’re strong believers in practicing your skills and getting to grips with them before going out into the wilderness where you…

The difference between Turtles, Tortoises and Terrapins

There are distinct differences between tortoises, turtles, and terrapins. They are all similar, in that they are reptiles that have a shell. To be able…

How to survive in the bush if you get lost

Just recently, two young girls got lost and survived 19 hours in bushland in central-west New South Wales, Australia.  They were praised for their survival…

Emergency Pantry for when that disaster strikes

Natural disasters are a fact of life that many of us have to live with. Floods, tornadoes, fire, earthquakes, and blizzards are commonplace in many…

Fishing for survival in an emergency

In the case of a survival situation arising, your backpack traveling equipment should include an emergency fishing kit. Fish can easily be the food which…

Fastpacking – The merging of trail running and backpacking

Over the past few years, there has been a change within the trail running community to take it into the wilderness for more than just a day…

Fishing hook parts, and the role they play when fishing

Avid fishing enthusiasts are well aware of the fact that there are numerous kinds of hooks used for fishing by anglers all around the world.…

Choose the right power bank

A few years back, a phone was a phone. Who would have said that such a device would be able to connect you to the…