Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Keeping your luggage safe on your travels

Dormitories in hostels are usually safe places for young people to stay the night. It could be, though, that you do not relish the idea…

Backpacker forced to deny he’s the Messiah

I’ve not been to Austrailia and I’ve not met Jesus but I can see why people think that he’s walking around Kenya, he seems to…

Fishing for Walleyes – Some helpful tips

Walleyes are famously known as a schooling species and are most often found swimming together in large numbers.  They are not particularly aggressive feeders, but,…

Choosing the right hiking boots

In any camping and hiking situation, the boots you choose to wear on your feet can make the difference between being able to walk for…

Drive the most haunted roads in the world

We hardly perceive roads as anything else then a platform used by our cars to take us from Point A to point B. However, these…

Priority gear for new campers

We speak to lots of people that want to get out and camp, many of them just don’t know what they need or what to…

Essential camping items – It’s good to be reminded

Camping is the best way to spend time outdoors and spend some valuable time with family and friends.  Most people have a list of items…

Vaccinations for tropical diseases

Your next vacation is coming up. You plan on going somewhere tropical; maybe Thailand, Indonesia, Costa Rica? You’ve researched your destination and know how beautiful…

Tips to be mindful of while packing for airport security

Doug Williams

These days, traveling is not such a laid-back and comfortable experience as it used to be. With the world more complicated than it’s ever been,…

An unusual bear defence – Shoving an arm down it’s throat

Doug Williams

This is the story of Chase Dellwo, who back in the fall of 2015, at the age of 26 got nailed by a 400lb bear.…