Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

A mixture of countries for great value vacations

Looking to go somewhere nice for the holidays in 2017? Here in the Outdoor Revival office we’re talking about possible holiday destinations for 2017, we’ve…

Flying with a Wingsuit – A deadly sport

Earlier in the year a Californian man was tragically killed when he hit a wall when wingsuit flying in Arizona. It needed the help of…

Essential advice for surviving the meltdown of civilization

Imagine that there’s a huge disaster looming over you. You and your family are faced with living in a world where the comforts of modern…

Happier families – The outdoors could be key

We all know that time with the family, particularly outdoors is well spent, that it’s good for us and good for our spouses and kids. Here…

Tarp or Tent: Which is best for your Bug Out Bag

A bug out bag is your bag for emergency situations. It’s the bag you grab when you’ve got to be out the door and generally…

Unknown Conqueror of the Arctic – Benjamin Smith

The stories of Arctic explorers Ernest Shackleton and Robert Scott are known by many.  But how many have heard of Arctic explorer Benjamin Leigh Smith. …

Dehydration – It’s serious stuff

In the Outdoor Revival office the other day we were talking about dehydration and how we’ve all felt the effects at some time or another,…

Locate the North Star in under 60 seconds

There are a few skills that can really help you out and what’s great about them is that often they’re knowledge based so you don’t…

Bark Bread – When you’ve got to survive

We may be living a lifestyle where we hardly miss a meal and even if we sometime do we instantly feel fatigued and dizzy; well…

Burdock the super plant: It’s a food and a medicine

While having a peaceful walk through serene woodlands, you may have come across sticky burrs clinging to your trousers after passing through some tall leafy…