Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

How to whistle loudly with your fingers – It’s a lost art but it could be a life saver

Doug Williams

What do you do if you need to catch the attention of someone in the wilderness; shout at the top of your voice, or you…

Purifying water in the wilderness

Since our bodies are comprised between 55-65% of water and the fact we are unlikely to be able to survive for more than three days…

Hermit hid in the woods for 27 years stealing to survive

Christopher Knight, a 47-year-old man, was arrested in April and spent his first night indoors in 27 years in the Kennebec County Correctional Facility in…

Primitive Brazilian Tribe Discovered Living as Their Ancestors did 20,000-Years-Ago

Doug Williams

Photographs by Ricardo Stuckert have emerged of a tribe  from the Amazonian rainforest that has had no contact with the outside world.  It was purely…

76 days adrift in the Atlantic and this man survived using solar stills and eating raw fish

The story of Steven Callahan who miraculously survived 76 days adrift, without food or water reserves, is inspiring on so many levels. The whole ordeal…

This happens when you Free Willy your pet fish into the local waterways

Doug Williams

We have all felt the desire to bring out the inner animal activists in us and to help those animals around us that we feel…

What happens when you ignore “Do Not Climb” signs at Uluru

Many times people get annoyed at signs telling them what they can and cannot do, but, as some people tend to learn the hard way,…

4 of the best states to have a peaceful life – Off the grid

The modern society can surely have a detrimental impact on your lives, therefore, it’s certainly not a crazy idea to move to a secluded area…

The inviting but deadly swimming spot – Jacob’s Well In Texas

Doug Williams

We all love water, swimming in lakes, the sea, rivers, and pools, at Outdoor Revival we try to get into the water as much as…

Siberians are the best at rescuing sinking vehicles in frozen lakes

When a local Siberian told a photographer that “we are Buryat people and we have brains”, he didn’t know how to take this new information,…