Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Primitive Technology, This is How It Can Be Mastered

Doug Williams

Heck, there’s some great video’s on youtube, I’m not talking about the cute cat video’s (Although I’ve heard it’s moved on to cute dogs now)…

He Was Drunk But Travelled From the UK – Oz Without stepping Onto a Plane

Doug Williams

We all know of a few drunk challenges that were a bit over the top, especially when the people involved sober up the next day.…

Wolves are Vanishing from Isle Royale – Officials Looking at Increasing the Population

Doug Williams

Over the last few years, there’s been a large focus on restoring wolf populations to places where they no longer roam, or the population has…

A Backpacker is forced to deny he’s Jesus, after being mobbed by fans for selfies

Doug Williams

I’ve not been to Austrailia and I’ve not met Jesus but I can see why people think that he’s walking around Kenya, he seems to…

Pick the Right Hiking Boots – Because It Hurts When You Get It Wrong

Have you ever bought some shoes that you love the look of and then when you wear them they’re horrible, give you blisters, don’t fit…

Punk Rocker Left the Modern World For the Wilderness – Hunts & Makes Her Own Clothes

Doug Williams

Former British punk rocker Lynx Vilden has swapped a modern lifestyle for one that resembles something from the stone age. Born in London, she now…

Man Survives Double Bear Attack ‘I was perfectly still. It was the only chance that I had’

Doug Williams

Towards the end of last year Dan Richmond, a 54-year-old hiker, survived a very close encounter with not one bear but two. There’s a lot…

Wilderness Camping – Don’t Forget to Add These Pieces of Kit

Everyone has to start camping somewhere, well, I know that’s not completely true, some people may not ever start camping, even I feel sad for…

An Essential List for Day Hikers Venturing into Backpacking

Doug Williams

So, you want to get into backpacking which is great news, good for you, it’s an excellent choice. For first-time hikers, there are a few…

Visiting Bear Country – Play Dead or Not to Play Dead That Is The Question

Doug Williams

I can’t imagine being confronted by an angry bear, well, I can imagine it but it’s not very real, the interactions I’ve had to date…