Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Year-round Camping At The 10 Best Places In America, Well We Think They Are

Doug Williams

Fair weather campers, there’s a good number of them but real campers know it’s not just an activity for the summer months. No matter what…

Camping With a Young Family – Some Great Tips Here We Should Know

Doug Williams

I hear from people all the time that they don’t get out camping anymore because they have children. I’m fairly blunt with them that I…

A city built on sawdust

Doug Williams

Here’s some news for our friends in Canada about the development of Chaudière Island which is located in the center of the Ottawa Metropolitan area,…

How to Avoid a Water Parasite While Hiking

Doug Williams

So, you’re out hiking, and you’re a bit thirsty, there’s a lovely little stream, the water looks clear and delicious, so you go to get…

Millennials lack Necessary Survival Skills

Doug Williams

It is a little scary to think that if a survival situation happens, I am more likely to survive if I pair up with my…

Mad, Bad SAS Soldiers – Rogue Heroes

Doug Williams

When it comes to fitness, adaptability, and toughness we’d all love to be as capable as the guys that serve in the SAS and other…

British Student Plunges to Death

Doug Williams

Sometimes in life, tragic mishaps occur, and what happened in Vietnam to Aiden Webb, only 22 years old, is one of them. At Outdoor Revival…

Demystifying Wilderness Myths

Doug Williams

What is a myth? It is defined as a widely held but false belief or idea and there are plenty of these when it comes…

Inuit – 10 Facts About The Natives Of The North

Doug Williams

I’ve always been amazed by the Eskimos; there’s just something about being able to survive and even thrive in the harsh tundra of the north…

How to Get Started with Dutch Oven Cooking

Cooking is a very beneficial skill, especially if you want to have tasty food! It’s also great for social and even survival situations as well…