Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Miracle survival at -50 degrees celsius

Doug Williams

Natalya Protodyakonova and Nikolay Khobrov are very lucky to be alive today.  The couple are natives of Siberia and well aware of the dangers of…

Winter Cooking Tips

Doug Williams

Catering all year round Nothing increases our appetite more than long days adventuring in the great outdoors. And after adventuring there’s little better than cooking…

Essential Items to Start Ice Climbing

Winter sports are a great way to stay in shape when it’s cold and miserable outside, when you get involved you don’t worry so much…

Winter Cycling Survival Tips

Doug Williams

I’ll let you into a little secret, 2017 is the year for me to get riding again, it’s been a long time but now I’m…

Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum

Master canoe maker teaches high school students

Doug Williams

There are some seriously lucky students in Maine, I’d have loved the opportunity they’ve been given. Here at the Outdoor Revival office we regularly talk…

Vaccinations For These Top 10 Tropical Diseases

Doug Williams

Your next vacation is coming up. You plan on going somewhere tropical; maybe Thailand, Indonesia, Costa Rica? You’ve researched your destination and know how beautiful…

7 Water Myths That Put You In Danger

Doug Williams

Water is one of the most important things in life, probably second to the air we breathe and that makes it something that we need…

Symptoms – First Aid Tips and Prevention of Winter Injuries

Doug Williams

Severe winter weather can bring serious health risks and weather associated injuries with it. It’s very important to be aware of these risks, make provisions and…

Some Tips on Handling Cold Water Swims

Doug Williams

Swimming is fun and an amazing workout. With swimming, you can get into shape and stay in shape without putting too much stress or strain…

Drive More Safely This Winter

Doug Williams

Driving in winter is hazardous. The harsh weather conditions and limited light can make the safest roads treacherous. All of us on the road need…