Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

First-time Ice Fishing Tips

Doug Williams

Ever wondered why people sit on the ice with a little hole in front of them, staring at their fishing line, or the hole to…

Maryland Woman Survives Bear Attack

Doug Williams

The closest I’ve got to a bear, other than the zoo was in Newfoundland, Canada back in 1994; I opened the back door and there…

Tent or Tarp for your Bug Out Bag

A bug out bag is your bag for emergency situations. It’s the bag you grab when you’ve got to be out the door and generally…

Top Tips for Winter Climbing

Doug Williams

It’s winter and so it’s easy to think that you need to be stuck inside on the climbing wall rather than outside, but that’s just…

The Joys of Winter Cycling: 10 Do’s and Do Not’s

Sometimes we can get a bit despondent when it comes to snow, we love it for playing in, but feel like we can’t fulfill our…

Winter Walking Tips For Scotland

Doug Williams

There’s no excuse for staying inside this winter when you could be enjoying Scotland’s amazing outdoors, even if it is cold outside. The best way to enjoy…

Ten Reasons to Keep Climbing in Winter

Doug Williams

Real cold and ice can turn rock climbing into another level of excitement and adventure.  Don’t pack away your climbing gear and head to a…

Our National Parks – Some Say Now Is The Time To Franchise

Doug Williams

It just doesn’t feel right to have the words “national parks” and “franchise” in the same sentence. The word pairing brings images of the Golden Arch over…

Winter Cycling: Our Top Tips to Stay Motivated

Don’t hang up your cycle over winter, cycling is a yearlong sport so don’t let the wet and cold put you off.  Keep that summer…

Primitive Brazilian Tribe Discovered Living as Their Ancestors did 20,000-Years-Ago

Doug Williams

Photographs by Ricardo Stuckert have emerged of a tribe  from the Amazonian rainforest that has had no contact with the outside world. It was purely…