Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Winter kayaking – Things We Need to Consider To Stay Safe

Doug Williams

Kayaking in a frozen landscape can be exhilarating. The air is clear, the sky on a sunny day is magnificent, and you can see some…

Benjamin Smith, Unknown Conqueror of the Arctic, Shipwrecked & Lived on the Ice For 9 Months

The story of Ernest Shackleton is one of survival. The explorer of the Antarctic lead his men through savage terrain and fought to keep them…

The One & Only Verlen Kruger, Master of the Canoe

Doug Williams

When Verlen Kruger died at the age of 82, he had been canoeing for 41 years. He was a giant of the sport, tenaciously paddling…

3 Physical Traits of the Human Body That Keep Us Alive

Doug Williams

When push comes to shove, the average person can survive much worse conditions than we might expect. We have our ancestors to thank for the…

Bubble Tents:The Best Star Gazing Experience-Just be Careful When You Undress

Remember the saying ‘People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’? But what about people in clear bubble tents? Just in time for the next holiday season,…

We Didn’t know These 3 Things About Matches – The ‘fire inch sticks’

Doug Williams

The history of the humble match is far more complex than you would imagine. Matches were once expensive, dangerous and rare, even though today they’re…

Swimming In Cold Water – Here Are Some Tidbits to Think About

Doug Williams

The thought of jumping into water that’s near arctic temperatures lacks any sort of appeal for many, many people. There are some people, however, who…

4 Unexpected Ways To Start A Fire In An Emergency

Doug Williams

Every outdoor enthusiast knows that you need simple burning materials to start your campfire. It’s a well-known fact. For most situations, a handful of dry…

Can A Bottle Of Water Be Used To Start A Fire – Yes It Can

Doug Williams

Can you really make a fire with a bottle of water? More specifically: can you concentrate the rays of the sun through the water, in a…

5 Survival Uses For Cattail Fluff

Doug Williams

The most common cattail (Typha latifolia) that we all recognize is a tall plant often found growing in dense stands in wetland areas, such as…