Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

The enticing but dangerous waters of Jacob’s Well In Texas

Doug Williams

We all love water, swimming in lakes, the sea, rivers, and pools, at Outdoor Revival we try to get into the water as much as…

Surfing after Heavy Rain Can Increase Your Chances of Illness

Doug Williams

Over the two winters of 2013/14 and 2014/15 over 650 surfers participated in a study led by the University of California, Berkeley. Using a smartphone…

Are You Struggling To Sleep – Get Camping Is The Answer

Throughout much of history, humans have gone to bed shortly after sundown and woke up in the morning at sunrise, and it seems that this…

Mount Kilimanjaro – Fascinating Facts

Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the most amazing places in the world. It is classed as one of the ultimate human feats to climbing to…

What Can’t You Do With Duct Tape – Err, Not Much

Duct tape is great stuff! Just yesterday outside the Outdoor Revival office we needed to patch up a tarp and what was the first thing…

Damp And Cold – Fix Your Miserable Outdoor Experience – Get Layering

If you are damp, cold and not enjoying being outdoors this is a must read for you. All of us here at Outdoor Revival firmly…

Planning A Road Trip – Make It Your Best Trip Yet

Doug Williams

We’re busy people here at Outdoor Revival but when it comes to spending time with our families it’s good to get away on vacation, it’s…

How to Choose your Underwear (Base Layer) for the outdoors

Do you ever get uncomfortable while outdoors adventuring? Do you get chaffing, dampness, and general discomfort? If you’re wearing traditional underwear, it might be time…

6 Must Know Natural Tinders for Firelighting and Emergencies

While we at Outdoor Revival would not call ourselves Pyromaniacs, there’s the odd person that might refer to us that way. It’s safe to say…

Tips To Get Your Kids Loving The Outdoors

Doug Williams

There are some people who just seem to be born loving the outdoors; they enjoy spending the vast majority of their free time outside with…