Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Lost for Five Days – One Mans Survival Experience

Doug Williams

Fishing is one of the most popular pastimes for people. It can be a great way to get rid of stress or to just separate…

Technology Damaging Yellowstone Wilderness Experience

Doug Williams

One of the best things about visiting a National Park is that a person has the opportunity to truly escape from the modern world, to…

Warnings – Lake Baikal Could Dry Out Like the Aral Sea

Doug Williams

It seems as though every time the news is on these days there are more and more reports of the environment is being completely ravaged…

Recreated the World’s First Kayak Expedition Between Greenland and Scotland

These days it seems as though lots of people are trying to do new and cool things, finding new ways to explore the world, take…

What happens when you ignore “Do Not Climb” signs at Uluru

Many times people get annoyed at signs telling them what they can and cannot do, but, as some people tend to learn the hard way,…

Baby Was Born On Airplane and Received An Amazing Gift

Doug Williams

Giving birth is one of the most amazing things that any woman can do. For nine whole months a woman grows within her a new…

Siberian Woman Living In Near Isolation For Over Seven Decades

Doug Williams

A woman who lives in the Siberian wilderness and has lived there all by herself for the seventy-one years, finally emerged 2 years ago, out…

Giants’ Park – Check these out if you’re visiting Giants’ park

Doug Williams

The land of giants is not so mythical anymore, especially if you are in California. Most specifically in central California, where Sequoia & Kings Canyon…

Going on a Hike – Make Sure You Have Bear Protection

Doug Williams

Hiking is an incredibly fun activity that so many people all over the world like to do. People enjoy it for different reasons; to remove…

Only Expert Surfers Should Surf These Waves

The sight of tall raging waves may send a shiver down your spine, but adrenaline seeking surfers love these giant forces of nature. The more…