Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

These Survivors Made it When the End Seemed Inevitable

Doug Williams

Being in a harrowing situation where you feel your death is inevitable is something that, luckily, most people will never have to experience in their…

Surviving Animal Attacks – some Amazing Survival tales

Doug Williams

Early humans frequently wrestled with wild animals and killed many of them for food, whilst keeping other more powerful ones at bay using various tricks,…

Extreme Survival: In The Water and Worried About Piranha Attack

THE SITUATION: You are out swimming in the Amazon, when all of a sudden you get a small cut. It seems small, but suddenly, a…

Some Wilderness Myth Busting – Not All You’re Taught Is True

There are certain things that people are often taught from a young age that they later take as fact. Unfortunately, for many people and their…

Man’s Obsession with Flight and Adventure

One of the very early natural phenomenon that must have intrigued prehistoric man was the swarms of little creatures seemingly small and weak but incredibly…

Amazing abandoned places just a hike away

There are so many abandoned sights across the world. Some of them are fascinating, some of them can appear aesthetically amazing, some have a huge…

Camping Helps With Your Planning Skills and Reliance on Technology

With so many reality television shows in this day and age exploring a person’s ability to survive in the wild, it is no wonder that…

The Crazy Things Some People Did To Survive

Doug Williams

It is not uncommon to hear that many times when you are tested and pushed at your highest level, when you must fight to survive,…

The Adventures of the First Man to Climb the Alps

Doug Williams

When history is taught at school, students generally get the cleanest version of what happened. For example, when someone discovered a new land, the part…

Have You Got The Right Socks On – Read Our Guide

Socks are a major part of a person’s wardrobe, although many people may not even give socks a second glance. Socks do so much more…