Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Where to Stay in America’s Most Popular National Parks

Doug Williams

If you are planning to spend some of your fall in the serenity of natural wonders, namely the many US National Parks, then you’ll want…

Where to Stay in America’s Most Popular National Parks

Doug Williams

If you are planning to spend the best of your fall in the serenity of natural wonders of the world, namely the many National Parks…

Strange Ice Mine in Pennsylvania Produces Ice in Summer

Doug Williams

Ice and winter often go hand in hand. Any mention of ice and snow in the summer will earn you a confused look, except if…

Surviving in the bush in case you get Lost

Doug Williams

Quite often accidents and mishaps occur when there’s been a lack of planning, and we are left unprepared for dealing with the disastrous consequences. For…

Survival Tips from 100 Years ago that are Still very Relevant

Doug Williams

A number of people around the world are now reverting back to learn the ways of the past generations for surviving in the conditions where…

3 Absolutely Amazing Camping Locations For This Fall

Doug Williams

Backpacking is an amazing pastime to be involved in, not only as a means to see the great natural wonders of the world but also…

Planning a Backpacking Adventure – Here’s some packing tips

Backpacking is a great way to explore your surroundings while saving some money compared to a hotel. While it is a wonderful thing to do,…

World’s First Underwater Drone Available for Ocean Lovers and Explorers

Underwater treasure hunting and archaeology have always been a challenging area for explorers and researchers because of the dangers and limitations it poses. But treasure…

My Hitch – Drag your Suitcase using Belt or Waist Band

We all have these moments when we wished we had another pair of hands that we could use, especially while walking around in the airports…

Galaxy Note 7 banned amid Security concerns for Fire-Prone Batteries

Picture above is the Galaxy Note 4, a safer option?   We keep hearing the various drawbacks of adhering to a purely smartphone-based life in…