Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Staying inside Eiffel for a night – Every tourist’s dream trip of Paris

Doug Williams

With a dramatic surge in tourism, the various facilities provided for tourists in the world’s most iconic places, have also seen a considerable increase. Travel…

1000s of years-old: Amazing facts about the beautiful & giant Sequoia trees

Doug Williams

Mother nature is a vast and beautiful thing that encompasses the entire Earth and often times is taken for granted by many people. The natural…

Tired Of Dragging Luggage Around. Look No Further Because We Now have Motorized Suitcases

Planning a trip is an incredibly fun thing for anyone to do, the thought of going to a new place and exploring a new area…

Tired Of Dragging Luggage Around? Look No Further Because We Now have Motorized Suitcases

Planning a trip is an incredibly fun thing for anyone to do, the thought of going to a new place and exploring a new area…

America’s National Parks and Monuments under Threat by Climate Change

Doug Williams

Environmentalists have been thinking of possible ways to prevent the issue of climate change from becoming a cliché, particularly as the leaders of the nations…

Do you love nature? Here are some amazing facts about Giant Sequoia trees

Doug Williams

Mother nature is a vast and beautiful thing that encompasses the entire Earth and often times is taken for granted by many people. The natural…

World Largest Glass Bridge Reopens after Major Overhaul

Doug Williams

Soon after the world’s largest glass bridge was open in China, tourists flocked for that extra rush of adrenaline by walking on the glass bridge…

Looking to Travel But Worried About Your Budget? You Can Stay At These Airbnb’s For Just Ten Dollars

Doug Williams

Traveling is an amazing experience, but for some, the cost of partaking in a big trip can be way too much. Or at least that…

Trans-Canada Trail set to open Next Year Amid Excitement and Environmental concerns

Doug Williams

If you ever thought of trekking across the whole of Canada, look no further as this is your chance to realize your dream. You can…

How to survive a plunge into whitewater rapids

Doug Williams

After several hours of the grueling Ruta de los Conquistadores in Cuba – a 67-mile cross country race through the jungle and active volcanoes –…