Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

86-year-old Siberian sets a World Record by Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Doug Williams

The timing, the place, and the memory: everything was worth cherishing when the 86-year-old Ulan Ude resident hiked her way to the highest mountain in…

Siberians fight Cold by Jumping into a Frozen Lake

Our body’s responses to external stimuli and its impact on our overall wellbeing is still a somewhat of a mystery to us. Prehistoric humans started…

Anyone for a spot of Bog Snorkelling? Head to Wales, UK to compete in this worldwide sport

It seems that in this day and age just about everything can be made into a sport or competition. People are always looking to try…

Surfing with Icebergs, have you got what it takes?

Doug Williams

Whenever you picture people surfing, you normally imagine them riding waves onto a hot beach in a tropical or warm climate such as Hawaii or…

Living Relics – Siberian Moose carry genes believed to have vanished with the Ice Age

Doug Williams

Siberian moose not only look mysterious and abnormal; they even carry the genes of ancient Elks that are thought to have vanished or gone extinct…

Great Siberian Coal Diet – Siberian Woman Rewarded in ‘Coal’ for Losing weight

Doug Williams

Remember the days when you expect an expensive gift from your loved ones and instead get an ordinary pen or a book that you have…

World’s most luxurious commercial jet set to operate from next year

We have certainly moved from the days when air travel was classed as just regular public transport. Many airlines are now competing in providing best…

Go Surfing In the Dark On Light Up Waves – Looking To Have an Amazing and Unique Surfing Experience? Read on

Surfing is an incredibly fun sport, although for some it can be very difficult sport to learn. But with even saying all that there’s many…

How the Siberians rescue sinking vehicles in frozen lakes

When a local Siberian told a photographer that “we are Buryat people and we have brains”, he didn’t know how to take this new information,…

Study finds 33% of ticks in Western Pennsylvania carried Lyme disease

Doug Williams

If we had to make a list of some of the stealthiest diseases of all time, Lyme disease has to be in the top group…