Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

The Cache Belt – innovative new fashion accessory features 24 hidden survival tools

The whole subject of surviving in the wilderness revolves around the notion that one must learn to survive as far as they could with the least provisions…

5,800-years-old World’s Oldest Snowshoe discovered in Italian Alps

Doug Williams

Italian Alps have once again astonished the archaeologists when it revealed world’s oldest snowshoes near the border with Austria. The artifact is believed to be…

Getting fit for the outdoors – here are some great tips

Getting into shape is a really important thing for most people, especially in this day and age when almost everyone is living a sedentary life…

The Basic Psychology of an Off the Grid life

Before jumping into the intricacies and psychology of life in the wilderness, one needs to understand the mechanism that gives rise to the need of…

Bits of Concorde up for sale – may be time to own a piece of air travel

Flying has certainly undergone a big transformation over the years since its inception, and a lot has changed as it’s become more frequent for people…

Struggling to feel safe in the water again? There was another attack on a Ballina Surfer Copy

Doug Williams

People love the water and love to do activities that involve being in the water. Or sometimes they just like to be on the beach…

Sweating is the Best Kept Secret of Human Body – some health benefits of Sweating

Doug Williams

Human preferences in relation to dress code and etiquette have evolved tremendously and have now taken a form that was absolutely unfathomable even a few…

Struggling to feel safe in the water again? There was another attack on a Ballina Surfer

Doug Williams

People love the water and love to do activities that involve being in the water. Or sometimes they just like to be on the beach…

Here is what ten dollars will get you on Airbnb across the world

Doug Williams

Travelling is an amazing thing for anyone to take part in. It is not only relaxing but also a great way to get people to…

Looking to go on a big adventure but not exactly sure where to go next? Here is what ten dollars will get you on Airbnb across the world

Doug Williams

Travelling is an amazing thing for anyone to take part in. It is not only relaxing but also a great way to get people to…