Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Bits of Concorde up for sale – may be time to own a piece of air travel

Flying has certainly undergone a big transformation over the years since its inception, and a lot has changed as it’s become more frequent for people…

Looking to go on a big adventure but not exactly sure where to go next? Here is what ten dollars will get you on Airbnb across the world

Doug Williams

Travelling is an amazing thing for anyone to take part in. It is not only relaxing but also a great way to get people to…

Cool places to snorkel & swim with the pigs, giant salmon & nurse sharks

Doug Williams

With autumn knocking at our doors some of us may have plans that are based around the sun and the sea. Let’s take a look…

Survival – the science behind it & busting a few myths

Doug Williams

Things like bear and the occasional beaver attacks seem to get most of the attention, but it’s the threats that are the most predictable and…

Grow a forest in your backyard in less than a Decade

Doug Williams

If you don’t have an entire century at your disposal to create a whole a whole forest for yourself you can utilize some of the most…

Grab your bedroll – you can spend the night at these historic ghost towns

Doug Williams

Not all of us want to camp in the National Parks and serene wilderness, some of the more adventure seeking folks tend to look for more…

Couple rescued from a desert island after a week thanks to their SOS sign

Doug Williams

They were real life castaways. We have all read books and seen the programs on survival and what to do if you were shipwrecked with no…

Dear human, I love you: Tips to help your fight against mosquitoes – don’t waste money on candles and coils

Doug Williams

Sla, smack and ouch is the standard background noise when you are around mosquitoes. In fact, regardless of your location, you are not very far…

Four terrible things people have had to do to survive – even eating mans best friend

Doug Williams

  In my opinion, some of the most inspiring books ever written have been written by survivors. People who have come through and out the…

Couple rescued from a desert island after a week thanks to their SOS sign

Doug Williams

They were real life castaways. We have all read books and seen the programs on survival and what to do if you were shipwrecked with no…