Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Ship Sinks – A New “Landmark” at Florida’s Pompano Beach

Florida is known for its great weather, for its beaches, for the beautiful oceans and water and the natural habitats surrounding it. There is an…

Everest Summit Fakers Potential Ban

Last spring a couple from India claimed that they had climbed Mt. Everest, making them the first couple from their country to complete this amazing feat.…

Use the Wind to Power Your Gadgets while Camping

Camping is an amazing thing; it can be so relaxing and refreshing to just remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of society for a…

Make Your Own Completely Natural First Aid Kit to Be a Happier and Healthier You

A First Aid Kit is a truly essential component in every home so that any household can be sure that they are safe in case…

Some of the effects that Humans and Nature have on each other

Though historically considered an ancient wisdom, the researchers at Glasgow University have found out that nature profoundly effects human moods and happiness levels. Those exposed…

Innovative Ottolock takes the Security of Your Bike and Equipment to a whole new Level

One of the many issues that a cyclist had to face is the adequate security of the bike and the equipment. Whether you are an…

Protect Yourself Against Bugs in the Wild with These Simple Tricks

Peaceful and calm it may be, but the wilderness is not always friendly place for us humans, when it comes to the natural environment there…

Some Emergency Uses for Plastic Bags in the Wilderness

The first line in the bible of wilderness survival should read ‘learn as many skills as possible; when it comes to being multi skilled the…

Things to Remember While Taking Kids to Experience Nature

It’s undoubtedly the hardest job these days when it comes to parenting, to spark in kids a love for nature, partly because of the growing…

Harrowing survival of Truman Everts in the Yellowstone Park

Doug Williams

Conquering the uncharted territory saw its prime in the 18th and 19th century when individuals and expeditions strived to set foot where no one had…