Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

A bunch of fascinating secrets and mysteries of the Arctic

Doug Williams

The Great White North is a dark and eerie place, which has produced many eccentric tales in folklore. Even in the real world, there are…

Paleo diet extremely popular amongst CrossFit community & athletes all over the world

Doug Williams

A newly emerging dieting system has pushed more boundaries in dietary then being vegetarian or vegan. The Paleo diet works on a simple method suggesting…

What happens when you Free Willy your pet fish – becoming a big problem in waterways

Doug Williams

We have all felt the desire to bring out the inner animal activists in us and to help those animals around us that we feel…

Mysterious trips into the great outdoors that went horribly wrong

Often a trip into the Wilderness is considered a disconnect from the hustle and bustle of urban life, to give ourselves a taste of nature…

How to camp for free in beautiful places

Doug Williams

Camping is an amazing thing; it is a great way to not only find a way to reconnect with nature and the world that we…

When the kids get bored: Italian ghost town to hold hide & seek championship in deserted streets

Doug Williams

Yes, you read right, there is a Hide and Seek championship, there are amazing and happy things occurring in this world every day if you…

Man V. Nature: A Russian river turns red after an alleged chemical spill

Doug Williams

A Russian river has turned an unnatural shade of red after what many are deeming to be a chemical spill contaminating the river. As of…

Some simple ways people used to survive on the harsh American Frontier

Doug Williams

Life in the American Wild West was nothing like it has been portrayed in the Hollywood westerns. The people of the west did not live…

Boat Sinks: Survives 3 days in air pocket 100 feet under water

Doug Williams

Harrison Okene, who was a 29-year-old cook, was the only survivor of the Jacson-4, which capsized after being battered by heavy swells and waves. Eleven other…

The reality of Lion hunting in South Africa is gruesome and inhumane

Doug Williams

  Lion hunting, there is no need for it right? Well not for most of us but some ‘manly’ people take pride in hunting down…