Author: Doug Williams

Doug Williams is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Roman Shipwrecks Discovered at a Serbian Coal Mine

Doug Williams

Plunging a massive hoe into the earth is hardly the best way to uncover archaeological treasures laying hidden and unseen deep underground, sometimes for countless…

Beautiful: Endangered Turtles Hatch on Brazil’s Deserted Lockdown Beaches

Doug Williams

On April 11, 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, almost one hundred baby hawksbill turtles hatched from the sand of a Paulista, Brazil…

Fake Animal Stories During Lockdowns but Fish Can be Seen in Venice Canals

Doug Williams

During the lockdown in Venice and  all over the world social media has been rife with news about wildlife returning to deserted streets and rivers.…

Because of Lockdown Himalayas Visible for First Time in 30 Years

Doug Williams

Himalayas: The Coronavirus has completely changed the entire world as we lockdown in place to let the virus pass us by. Roads are empty. Businesses,…

Parts of the Marshall Islands are Still More Radioactive than Chernobyl

Doug Williams

In 1986 the reactor meltdown in Chernobyl caused damaging radiation to not only render the immediate area uninhabitable, but also to spread to many other…

These Massive Impact Craters are the Planet’s Battle Scars from Millions of Years Ago

Doug Williams

Impact craters are what is left behind when a large comet, meteorite, or asteroid crashes into the surface of a planetary body. If you look…

The Mystery of the Death Valley Sliding Rock Phenomenon

Slithering rocks of Death Valley, sailing stones, gliding stones, wandering rocks, and moving rocks are just a few of the names for rocks that move…

Victory For Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Over Dakota Access Pipeline Case

Doug Williams

The members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe that straddles North and South Dakota believed they were never properly consulted nor given the opportunity to…

Scientists Search Antarctica For The ‘Lost’ Iron Meteorites

Scientists are scouring Antarctica in hopes of finding rare meteorites which have fallen to earth and can give them more new information about how the…

South America’s Indigenous People Could be Wiped Out

South America’s Indigenous People: Every country around the globe is dealing with the novel coronavirus, but some countries are implementing policies that go further toward…