Author: Ian Carroll

Ian Carroll is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Learning how to snowboard: Basic progression

Ian Carroll

Snowboarding is hard by anyone’s standards. Sure, the snow may be soft most of the time, but the learning curve is anything but. If you’ve…

Travel Tuesdays: Good stories often come from bad decisions

Ian Carroll

“You haven’t left Mexico yet.” She said as we stood in Guatemala. “You have to go back, and leave Mexico.” I could tell from her…

Three most intelligent sea creatures

Ian Carroll

It’s hard to tell what makes an animal intelligent. As the self-proclaimed most intelligent species on the planet, humans have been searching for the answer…

Rockfall, a major risk for rock climbers

Most people know that rock climbing is dangerous. After all, it’s pretty obvious. However, most people have a skewed view of what the risks really…

Top 5 careers you can travel with

Ian Carroll

These days when I talk to young people about their future career, it sounds different than the answers my generation gave. I mean, there are…

Traveling with kids: the best way to help them grow.

Ian Carroll

I’m always amazed when I meet a family traveling with kids. Whether it’s one week on vacation, or it’s one year around the world, the…

Travel Tuesdays: Pick your partners carefully

Today I’m going to share two climbing stories that both carry the same message from two different angles: Pick your partners in adventure carefully. In…

Dating tips for travelers

Ian Carroll

When you’re living on the road, life can get pretty lonely. It’s hard to form connections and maintain relationships while living a traveler’s life. Yet,…

Three tips to make you stronger – strength training Part 1

Ian Carroll

As a rock climber, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can get stronger. It’s something we all think about. Just about…

Travel Tuesdays: What to do when you’re lost in the backcountry

Ian Carroll

I hadn’t prepared for snow. That was my first mistake. I was slowly trudging up the trail. With each step, it felt like my feet…