Author: Paul Pinkerton

Paul Pinkerton is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

The old time art of survival bread – part 1

In this first of two articles from James Mandeville, we look at ways flour can be extracted in a survival situation and some information on…

Gereya Ayam – The massive neglected church shaped like a chicken

There a lot of weird stuff  going on our planet, some of them with an aim to be weird (in an artistic way), while others,…

The hundred year old ‘ghost ship’ languishing in the Ohio River

It was another wonderful day for the kayakers as they were cruising through the forest. Yet they certainly did not expect to discover a ghost…

Trucker’s hitch knot – Awesome Video

I was thinking to myself that I should write an article about knots, after all, they’re an essential part of outdoor life and they cover…

Beautiful historic portraits of Cree Tribe

With more than 220,000 members living in Canada, The Cree are one of the largest groups of First Nations in North America. Most Cree live…

SAS Survival Tips from Bob Podesta

Here’s a great article from Bob Podesta who it’s fair to say know’s what he’s talking about when it comes to Survival and adventuring around…

Perfectly preserved 100 year old wagon discovered in Detroit lake

Under Detroit Lake, which had record low water levels in October 2015 – the abandoned town of Old Detroit has reemerged. Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy Dave…

Giant sinkhole opened up under facility in Mulberry

The whole world seems to be experiencing sinkholes, from the UK to Aisa and now there’s a large sinkhole opened up in Florida and it’s…

P-40 Kittyhawk crashed in the desert: Flt Sgt Dennis Copping started walking

This lost and forgotten World War II fighter is a rare survivor and a sad memorial to its doomed pilot. When 24-year-old Flt Sgt Dennis…

Fingal’s Cave: The inspiration for John Keats, Jules Verne and Pink Floyd

Fingal’s Cave is a sea cave on the island of Staffa, in the inner Hebrides of Scotland (near Mull and Iona). The cave stretches 250…