Author: Nick Oetken

Nick Oetken is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

How To Build An Aquaponics System To Raise Fish For Food

Aquaponics is defined as merging hydroponics, or the growing of plants in water, with aquaculture, or raising marine life. To put it in simpler terms,…

Hatchets are useful in a survival situation

Many survivalists would claim that the knife is the most important tool you can have in a survival situation. There’s no denying that the knife…

Basic survival tools you should always have with you

You can have all of the survival backpacks and bug out bags that you want, but the fact of the matter is that you never…

Finding your way back in a survival situation

Nick Oetken

Realizing that you are lost out in the wilderness can be one of the most stressful moments in a survival situation and can also lead…

Qualities to look for in a bug-out vehicle

In any disaster scenario, you and your family will always be presented with the choice to either bug in at your home or to bug…

Overlooked survival items

A critical element of any good survival plan is being able to take the everyday random items you have around your house and repurposing items…

Survival Uses For A Bandana

One of the most popular survival items of all time, without question, is the bandana. There’s good reason why: even though it may seem simple,…

Survival items you can carry in your pocket everyday

Something that’s important to know about survival situations is that they can and will happen when we least expect them to. This means that even…

The most overlooked survival items

A critical element of any good survival plan is being able to take the everyday random items you have around your house and repurposing items…

Dental floss – Survival uses for this super tough cordage

When looking for ordinary items around your house that you can repurpose into different survival applications, there’s one item that you will definitely want to…