Author: Nick Oetken

Nick Oetken is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

9 Tips for Prepping Your Camp Food, What Are Yours?

Before going to camp, there are many things you need to consider and plan ahead for. One very important thing to plan for is food.…

Surviving A Bear Attack: Speak Gently, Hold Your Arms Above Your Head

Nick Oetken

Bears can attack people if they feel they are in danger, are surprised, have puppies or are protecting their territory. I will always advise that…

The History of Log Cabins & One of The Best Survival Shelters

Nick Oetken

When most of us think of a survival shelter, the image that pops into our heads is that of the log cabin. Log cabins are…

How To Deal With Angry Mobs and Protesters

Natural disasters can strike fast and without warning, but so can angry mobs and protesters. It’s great if you’re prepared to evacuate a flashflood, but…

The Best Safety Apps to Use If You Are Being Followed

Nick Oetken

Thanks to multiple personal security apps, you can use your smartphone to your advantage if you believe you have a stalker or if you are…

What Effects Will an EMP Attack Have on Your Body?

Have you ever been curious about what the physical effects of an EMP would be on your body? Sure, you’re totally familiar about the effects…

Top Tips for Storing Gasoline for Survival

Here’s a fun fact: the average American adult uses around a gallon and a half of gasoline a day (and sometimes far more). Every day,…

The DIY Clothes Washer

Even those who love the outdoors will have to admit: it’s not exactly clean. This means that you and your clothing will get dirty sooner…

Tips for Surviving a Flash Flood

Flash floods are dangerous because they can occur without warning if the conditions are right. Unlike hurricanes or tornadoes, there typically won’t be a warning…

How to Build a DIY Oil Lamp

When the lights go out in a survival situation, you’re going to have to create a source of light so that you can see what…