Author: Nick Oetken

Nick Oetken is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

How Best to Cut Down a Tree for Shelter Building or Firewood

Cutting down a tree is more dangerous than most people realize. It should not even be attempted if you are not physically fit to do…

How to Climb a Tree Safely – Coming Down is the Hard Bit

Each tree is unique. As a result, there is no universal way to climb trees because each presents a different challenge of its own. However,…

Great Tips for Adopting a Survival Mentality

Obviously, a significant part of prepping for a disaster is taking the necessary physical precautions. This includes stockpiling plenty of food and water; learning how…

Top 10 Everyday Items You Can Use To Defend Yourself

Everyone should agree that self-defense and general security are important in a survival or disaster situation. In fact, security should be one of your biggest…

What You Need To Stockpile For Disaster Right Now

Making sure that you have a healthy stockpile of supplies is a critical component in a survival situation because it ultimately makes the difference between…

Tips For Raising Livestock

You can stockpile all of the long lasting and non-perishable foods that you want, but you will still always be faced with the possibility that…

Tips For Surviving A Hurricane

A hurricane is officially defined as any tropical storm with wind speeds exceeding seventy four miles per hour, which as you can imagine causes immense…

The benefits of space blankets in a survival situation

Space blankets, also known as Mylar blankets or First Aid blankets, have a reputation for being little more than thin sheets of foil that are…

How to escape from quicksand

Although TV shows represent quicksand as something truly terrifying and deadly, the fact of the matter is that it’s not. Sure, it can be tough…

Our best tips for reading animal tracks

To identify and interpret different animal tracks you don’t have be a professional animal tracker. In fact, anybody can learn the skills of animal tracking…