Author: Nick Oetken

Nick Oetken is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

How to communicate when the grid goes down

Have you ever thought about how you would communicate with your family if the grid goes down? How will you get in touch with your…

Two techniques for telling time without a watch

For us to tell the time in our day-to-day lives, all we have to do is check our phones or our wristwatch. It’s important to…

How to survive house and forest fires

When you are trying to survive in dangerous circumstances, a fire can be your lifesaver because it helps you stay warm, safe, and cook food.…

The clothes we all should have in our bug out bags

There are many different disaster scenarios that could happen, but if there’s one thing that they all share in common, it’s that they can and…

Here’s what to look for in outdoor clothing – if we want to be comfortable

Any outdoors person will explain to you the critical importance of dressing yourself in multiple layers in a survival situation, so you are never too…

The most devastating diseases in history

Nick Oetken

Humankind has a bigger threat than famine, terrorism, asteroid impact, or wars. The greatest existential danger it faces is the risk posed to it by…

Best water sources in the wilderness

Nick Oetken

One of the most crucial survival skills you should know is being able to find water sources, and then purifying the water so it’s safe…

How to treat Sunstroke, Hypothermia, and Dehydration

Nick Oetken

Dehydration, sunstroke, and hypothermia are among the biggest killers in survival situations. If you ever find yourself out in the wild and trying to find…

How To Repurpose The Greywater In Your Home

Greywater, or sullage, is defined as any form of wastewater, such as shower, sink, or dishwasher water, that does not include the wastewater from toilets.…

Top 5 Ways To Power Your Home During A Flood

One of the threats that are home constantly face, especially in the spring or right after a rainstorm, are flood. Flash floods can strike in…