Often described as a modern-day renaissance man, I hold a BA in History from the University of Wyoming and an MS in Computer Science from George Washington University. I taught history, math, and journalism from seventh grade to graduate school, and coached varsity football, basketball, and track.
While academics paid the bills, writing, farming, construction, and woodworking are my favorites.
I built my first house with my dad in the summer of 1973. I worked cutting hay, combining oats, barley, and corn, baled hay, stacked those endless 80 pound small bales by hand after school and on weekends, then took construction jobs in the summer.
Working at sawmills, pouring concrete, tying iron, and running heavy equipment put me through college.
As a teacher, I made nearly as much money in the summer as I did during the school year as a contractor. A fellow teacher and I built homes, decks, barns, and did extensive remodeling projects.
I built two homes on our property, and used them as shelters to grow fruit trees that couldn’t exist otherwise in Wyoming’s frigid climate.
I’ve learned many skills through the years, and still do my own electric work, plumbing, framing, and IT.