Category: Adventure

The weirdest ways to start a fire in an emergency

Every camping beginner knows that you should pack fire starting materials together with your other survival gear, if you didn’t know that, well you do…

If you need to be near the sea consider the University of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology – OIMB

Rebecca Hext

Are you the kind of student that thrives in a hands-on learning environment? Then the Univerity of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) might be…

How to safely cross rivers and rapids

Maybe you are on a fishing trip or simply camping when you face a hard task, such as a river crossing. Doing it in any…

purify water in the woods

Water purification in the wilderness

Water may be the source of all life on Earth, but it can also be the source of considerable illness, pain and even death. Water…

Campsite cocktail recipes for fancy campers

Spending time in the great outdoors doesn’t mean you need to give up your fancy lifestyle. Not at all. You have learned so many things…

Useful tips on how to travel through jungle areas

Most people think that a tropical jungle is a neverending nightmare where danger is crawling on every leaf and hanging from every tree. A bit…

Master Natural Lighting for Outdoor Photography

In most styles of photography, whether it be portraiture, sports, or weddings, it’s pretty common to use artificial lighting such as flashes and reflectors to…

Could you cycle round the world on $3 a day – This guy thinks he can.

Ben Page, from the UK, left university on a mission. He didn’t have a graduate job lined up, or a definite career path ahead of…

Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of ‘Climbing gear for beginners’, we will look at all the less essential gear you will want to start collecting. If you…

Climbing gear racked up on a harness

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that you need to buy before…