Old Ways

Essentials needed to survive a meltdown of civilization

Imagine that there's a huge disaster looming over you. You and your family are faced with living in a world…

8 years ago

Ancient shell fishing hooks dated to 23,000 years ago

People have been fishing for at least 40,000 years, although we don't know a lot about the early fishermen we…

8 years ago

Top prepping mistakes to avoid

If you’ve already decided that you need to start preparing for disaster, give yourself a pat on the back. The…

8 years ago

Survival skills of Native Americans that we can still use today

It seems that the art of survival has got lost through these modern ages of technology and comfortable living that…

8 years ago

The magnificent Daisy Crocket and her stunning wilderness life

We're pleased to share this Outdoor Revival Interview with the very impressive Nikki van Schyndel, aka Daisy Crocket, the survivalist,…

8 years ago

1911 saw Ishi emerge from the Californian wilderness

At the end of the summer of 1911,  a weak, starving native American man emerged from the Butte County wilderness…

8 years ago

Top survival uses for tin cans

One of the most essential food items that any prepper or survivalist must have is canned food (such as canned…

8 years ago

Slinging a slingshot

A sling has a small cradle or pouch in the middle of two lengths of cord. The sling stone is…

8 years ago

Climbers that haven’t made it off Mount Everest

The opportunity to climb Mount Everest is an adventure you will not forget. However, setting out to climb the mountain…

8 years ago

Drive the most haunted roads in the world

We hardly perceive roads as anything else then a platform used by our cars to take us from Point A…

8 years ago