Build a DIY Squirrel Feeder For a Fun and Simple Woodworking Project
Imagine sitting in your backyard, sipping a cup of coffee, and watching playful squirrels dart around, enjoying a feast. Building a DIY squirrel feeder not only provides entertainment but also helps keep these critters away from your bird feeders. Plus, it’s a fun project for DIY enthusiasts of all ages!
Materials Needed: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary materials. For this easy DIY squirrel feeder, you’ll need some scrap wood, screws, a saw, a drill, and wood glue. These items are often found in most home workshops, making this project both cost-effective and convenient.
Cutting the Wood: Preparing the Pieces

Start by cutting your scrap wood into the necessary pieces. For a basic feeder, you’ll need a base, two side panels, a back panel, and a roof. The base should be around 10 inches long and 6 inches wide, while the side panels and back panel should be about 6 inches tall. The roof can be slightly larger to provide adequate cover.
Assembling the Feeder: Putting It All Together

Now that you have your pieces cut, it’s time to assemble your squirrel feeder. Begin by attaching the side panels to the base using wood glue and screws. Next, secure the back panel between the side panels. Finally, attach the roof, ensuring it overhangs slightly to protect the food from rain.
Adding the Feeding Platform: A Place for Squirrels to Dine

To give the squirrels a place to sit and eat, add a small platform to the front of the feeder. This can be a simple piece of wood attached to the base, extending out about 4 inches. Ensure it’s sturdy enough to hold a squirrel’s weight.
Mounting the Feeder: Choosing the Perfect Spot

Once your feeder is assembled, it’s time to mount it. Choose a spot in your yard that’s easily visible from your favorite viewing area. Use screws or nails to attach the feeder to a tree, fence, or anywhere that might seem suitable.
Filling the Feeder: What to Feed Your Squirrel Friends

Fill your new feeder with a variety of squirrel-friendly foods. Unsalted nuts, seeds, and corn are great options. Avoid feeding them processed foods or anything that might be harmful. Keep the feeder stocked, especially during the colder months when food is scarce.
Maintaining the Feeder: Keeping It Clean and Functional

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your DIY squirrel feeder in good condition. Clean it out periodically to prevent mold and ensure the food stays fresh. Check for any damage and make necessary repairs to keep the feeder safe for your furry visitors.