Instant Articles

4 Unexpected Ways To Start A Fire In An Emergency

Every outdoor enthusiast knows that you need simple burning materials to start your campfire.

It’s a well-known fact. For most situations, a handful of dry twigs, a bundle of dead grass, or a wad of dead dry leaves will accomplish the job without too many problems.

But what happens when it’s an emergency and those familiar campfire starters aren’t available? There are some household items you can fall back on if you have them at hand.

Duct Tape

Duck Tape

We all know that duct tape has 1,001 uses, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that it will help with fire starting as well. Unroll a few feet of duct tape, crumple it into a ball and light it with an open flame.

The tape will begin to melt and burn fairly quickly.

Potato Chips

Potato chips

Chips are high in fat – which equates to a high level fuel. Using a match or lighter, light a small pile of chips, the greasier the better, and your fire will have something of its own to munch on.


A tube of ChapStick

Any waxy lip balm provides enormous combustibility. You can insert a piece of string into the stick, which will act as a wick and light it to create a makeshift candle.

Or you can smear the lip balm onto a cotton cloth, paper, or some other flammable surface so that item will burn much longer.


The elements of a tampon with applicator.

Usually made from packed cotton fibers, these are commonplace and readily available hygiene items. Pick the fibers apart, and you’ll have a great fire starting source that can be ignited with a flame, an ember, or even just a spark.

Have you ever made a fire with one of these objects? Please tell us about it by leaving a comment.

Doug Williams

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