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The most colorful animals in nature

All animals on our planet have different attractions or characteristics that draw our attention. Some of them have extreme size, are cute, scary, two-headed, with thousands of teeth, some are fluffy, crawling or flying. However, there is one thing that invites our eyes to stare at them and take photos when they are colorful and too vivid to be true. Colorful animals are the ones we are looking for when visiting tropical countries because we want to prove to ourselves that these beautiful creatures are not an invention of someone’s creative mind, but they actually exist for real.

Here are some of the most colorful animals in the world that you would love to meet one day.

Lilac-breasted roller

Lilac-Breasted Roller – Author: W. Gareth Rasberry – CC BY-SA 3.0

This colorful and feathery fellow is one of the most colorful birds native to the region of East-southern Africa. It’s also known as the national bird of the African Botswana and Kenya. They have a greenish head, lilac colored throat and chest, blue belly, greenish-yellow legs and light blue wings. They are monogamous and build their flat grassy nests in dead coconut, baobab or a casuarina tree.

Blue Dart Frog

Blue Poison Dart Frog – Author: Wildfeuer – CC BY-SA 3.0

The blue dart frog is a member of the poisonous dart family. You can see them in the tropical forest of southern Suriname and northern Brazil, but also in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. It’s one of the most colorful animals on the planet, and its color can vary between blue, yellow, gold, copper, red, green and black. No matter what color they are, they are all extremely poisonous. So, don’t you dare touch them. In fact, their bright color is a warning on how venomous they are. The most fatal among them is the golden dart frog that can kill up to ten adult men.

Panther Chameleon


The panther chameleon is the most colorful lizard in the world that lives in the tropical forests of Madagascar but was later introduced to the island of Mauritius as well. All chameleons have the ability to turn into the color of the surface below them. But, panther chameleons are the only ones who can do it in less than 20 seconds. Scientists also believe that the color change not only depends on the surroundings but also on the temperature and their mood. Maybe the mood ring was inspired by these creatures’ nature.

Clown Fish

A clown fish

Nemo! Colorful and cute! The clown fish is one of the brightest-colored fish in the world and the reason why snorkeling became mega-popular in the last ten years. Clown fish live in the Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Great Barrier Reef. There are 28 groups of clown fish and the most common type among them is the orange one with white bars. All clown fish are first developed as male, and they can change into females when they reach maturity. If the alpha female dies, then the first strongest male clown fish turns into a female, and the rest of the males wait for their turn for a sex change.

Mandarin Duck

Male and female mandarin ducks on a branch – Author: RonPorter – CC0

These are middle-sized, colored ducks native to the Asian continent. As in many other bird species, the male Mandarin duck is the one that’s more attractive and displaying a variety of bright colors, while the female is brownish and ordinary. They are monogamous, and they use their colors to attract the female of their life. Mandarin ducks have a golden appearance with purple chest, light green head, orange-gold feathers and green-copper crest. Mandarin ducks are very present in the Chinese culture, and they represent a symbol of conjugal affection and fidelity.

Wouldn’t you like to see each one of these stunning colorful animals outside of the zoo? Good luck!

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it. Outdoor Revival – Reconnecting us all with the Outdoors.

Stef Zisovska

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