Stunning natural swimming pool hidden in a grotto on a volcanic island
Volcanoes are universally feared and seen by some as the wrath of gods or anger of the mother earth; however geologists and scientists see them in a different light.
Some refer to these fire-breathing pits as the oesophagus of Earth. Most if not all the major volcanoes around the globe have an aura of magnificence around them; take for example Mount Fiji in Japan that has a spiritual place in local Japanese lore.
These volcanoes often contribute to the beauty of Mother Nature by carving divinely beautiful islands and forming natural lakes.

One such ‘natural swimming pool’ is located on a volcanic island in Samoa; offering its visitors hours of peace and relaxation coupled with and elated sense of spirituality.
The pool is appropriately called To Sua Trench which literally translates as ‘big hole’. The 98 feet deep hole was created when after a series of volcanic eruptions; a huge chunk of land gave way forming a gaping hole which later turned into a stunning pool. The beautiful ‘big hole’ is located in Logtofaga village which is on the southern coast of Upolu island in Samoa.

A specially customized strong ladder is provided to help tourists lower into the grotto; this is perhaps the most used mean tourists adhere to while going into the hole. However, there are other rather extreme ways one can try to deploy if weather and height of water permits. There is a diving board on top of the ladder from where enthusiasts can launch themselves into the clear water below. For less enthusiastic, safety conscious folks there is another diving board at the base of the ladder from where tourists jump without worrying about the height.
The pool is located in an ideal location blessed with all the favourable elements including crystal clear water, lush green surroundings, soft sandy bed and tropical fish (no piranha hopefully). The answer to the most FAQ is that pool is replenished thanks to a series of canals linking the pool with the waters of the South Pacific Ocean, ensuring the pool stays healthy all year long.

The cost of spending time around the pool and diving into the crystal clear greenish-blue water is almost close to nothing; tourists are charged $15 for adults and $6 for children. However, children under the age of 7 can swim free of charge.

The money generated is mostly spent on the maintenance and safety of the serene spot which is kept clean and immaculate throughout the year for the visitors to come and have a splendid time with family and friends. And if you fear a volcanic burp or an outright eruption, you need not worry about that; the island has not had any significant volcanic activity for centuries. Take a deep breath, and dive.