Camping tips for what to do when it rains
Camping is a beautiful way of spending some quality time with the people we love and connecting with nature. Planning a camping trip is not a hard thing to do if you are someone that already has an experience with the outdoors. But, a lot of people fall in desperation when it starts downpouring while they’re camping, which is not as bad as it seems. Of course, you don’t like to get soaked and spend your time hiding in the tent, but if it starts raining while you’re camping in the woods, you need to know what to do to save the day.
Gear for camping in the rain

Even if the weather forecast calls for sunshine every single day, you should still plan your camping trip as though it will rain. There is always a chance for rain, especially if you go camping in the mountains. Therefore, you need to be prepared for it by bringing the right gear.
- A waterproof tent (hydrostatic head of at least 2000 is recommended) OR tarps and rope
- A waterproof jacket
- Waterproof pants
- Waterproof cover for your backpack
- Waterproof bag for sealing food
- Waterproof flashlight
- Food that can be prepared without cooking
- Footwear that you can wear in the rain
- Extra socks, preferably wool or a synthetic which dries fast
Choosing a rain-safe campsite

When you choose a campsite, always have in mind that it might rain. Nature is unpredictable and it happens many times that one side of the mountain is sunny and the other one is rainy. Choose an elevated land and make sure there are not any overhangs that can bring the water right on top of your tent and you will end up mud sliding down the hill. Find a land that’s well-drained to avoid stepping on mud every time you get in and out of your tent. Also, note the high-water mark in canyons and dry river beds because if it rains the water can wipe you and your tent away.
Setting up your tent for rain

Your tent must be waterproof! If you like to be a serious camper, don’t you dare to go out there with a $20 tent; it will make your life a misery if it starts to rain. It’s better to invest a few more dollars in a high-quality tent that will last and keep you dry, then to get a cheap tent that will turn into a pond after 15 minutes of rain.
Keep your gear dry
The first moment you suspect that it’s going to rain, you need to keep your gear in a safe and dry spot. Always keep your gear tidy and place it in the tent when it starts to rain. If you don’t have enough space in the tent, then cover up with a waterproof tarp, or make a tarp rain shelter. Put everything you can inside the tent and make sure it’s all sealed and dry until the rain stops.
You can still go outdoors when it’s raining

If it starts raining while you’re camping, it doesn’t mean you have to hide in your tent and be scared. Rain is beautiful and with a waterproof jacket and boots you can go out and explore (after making sure all your belongings are safe and dry in the tent). If you’re lucky, you will maybe find some wild strawberries that taste even better when washed by the rain.
Rain in the forecast shouldn’t be the reason for staying home for the weekend. All you need to do is pack properly and you will have a different experience in nature. Have fun and good luck!