9 Cool tricks you’ll need on your next wilderness trip
You learn a lot about yourself while camping and being all alone in the woods. Learning that sleeping on the ground is actually not that bad or find yesterday’s leftovers are surprisingly tasty.
Spending time in Nature is the greatest life lesson you can get. Also, you learn to appreciate small things and see that many of modern life’s accessories are totally useless.
Find a creative way to survive or manage difficult situations is what makes camping exciting. Facing big challenges that you don’t find in everyday life is one of the reasons that we all enjoy spending time in the wild.
You’ll learn that some tasks are more difficult than the others and it’s about time that you use your creativity instead of despairing while being in the woods.

Make a stove from a beer can
Use a knife to cut the beer can in half. Cut the upper part to get a hole and then put them back together with the upper part entering the bottom. Pour alcohol inside and light it up. This stove is perfect for boiling things. Never use gasoline with this stove.

Start a fire with Doritos
Doritos might be your favorite snack, but the thing is that it’s also a perfect fire starter when you don’t have twigs. Any flavor works perfectly fine.

Old shower curtain will keep you dry at night
Use an old shower curtain to put on the floor of your tent to keep the damp at bay.
Keep your food fresh
Before heading out on your camping trip freeze a gallon of water and place the food next to it. It will last longer than ice cubes.
Coffee at campsite
At home make your own coffee bags by tying some filters full of coffee closed with dental floss. Boil water in the empty beer can and throw in the coffee bag.

TP rolls as a perfect fire starter
Filling the TP rolls with dryer lint is a genius invention that starts a fire very quickly if you’ve got an ignition source.

Perfect tent light
Strapping a head light to a jar full of water makes a perfect light for your tent and gives a nice ambiance.
Stay warm at night
Fill your Nalgene with hot water and throw it into a sleeping bag. It will keep you warm during cold nights.

Bubble wrap can save your life
Apparently, the air bubbles in the packing material create an insulating shield that bounces back body heat to keep you warm. Also, bubble wrap makes you warmer than three cotton blankets. It seems like a perfect solution for chilly nights.

Getting lost in the wilderness will help you learn different survival skills. Creativity increases when we don’t have the proper survival kit. Many people like to call it the art of survival because it’s an art to be innovative in difficult life situations. Lastly, learn all the tricks you can and don’t get lost.
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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.
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